Top Yemeni official: ‘Coming days are full of surprises’

A top Yemeni official has told the United States and Israel that the “coming days are full of surprises.”

On Friday, the head of Yemen’s Supreme Political Council, Field Marshal Mahdi Mohammad Al-Mashat, congratulated the Rocketry Forces on their success in striking a military target in Tel Aviv with the Palestine 2 hypersonic missile.

Al-Mashat noted that the missile bypassed and penetrated all layers of American, British, and Israeli defense systems.

He affirmed that “the coming days are full of surprises.”

“Our operations will continue as long as the aggression and siege on Gaza persist,” he said.

Al-Mashat also reiterated Yemen’s unwavering and principled stance in support of the oppressed Palestinian people until the occupied land is liberated from Israeli occupation.

“No power in the world will deter us from this decision, regardless of the cost or the challenges,” he added.

Al-Mashat made the remarks during a speech marking the 10th anniversary of the glorious September 21 revolution against a Saudi-backed regime in the country and its removal from power.

In 2014, the people of Yemen led a popular uprising against the Saudi-backed unpopular regime of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi.

As protests gripped the country, the Ansarallah resistance movement on September 21 took control of the capital Sana’a following a rapid advance south from their northern stronghold of Sa’ada.

The massively popular protests were against the incompetent and corrupt regime in Sana’a backed by Riyadh.

Al-Mashat emphasized Yemen’s full commitment to achieving a just and honorable peace.

He called on leadership of aggressive countries to stop this senseless war, as it has become clear that its objectives cannot be achieved.

“The only solution is to approach peace with sincere intentions, lift the siege, and meet the requirements for peace, which include paying the salaries of Yemenis from their national resources, fully opening Yemen’s airports and ports, releasing all prisoners, compensating for damages, and the complete withdrawal of all foreign forces,” he said.

Al-Mashat warned against the risks of maintaining a state of neither war nor peace, while prolonging hostilities against the Yemeni people, tightening the siege, and starving them by obstructing salary payments.

He announced that the major central event usually held in Sana’a to mark the 10th anniversary of the September 21 Revolution has been canceled in solidarity with what is happening to their brothers in Gaza.

He explained that “From its very inception, the September 21 Revolution prioritized the Palestinian cause as its central issue and the greatest injustice, from which all other injustices in our region and the Islamic world stem.”

“The revolution has maintained its principled and religious stance of standing with the Palestinian people, solidified by blood and enduring positions,” he added.

“It has prevented Israeli navigation through the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean, and has mobilized all its resources in support of the Palestinian people, in solidarity with our brothers in Palestine and Gaza,” he stated.

“Without this revolution, normalization with the Israeli enemy entity would have been declared from Yemen, in compliance with American directives,” he noted.

Al-Mashat affirmed that the revolution “halted the collapse of the country’s overall situation, thwarted the project of dividing and disintegrating Yemen’s unity, and dismantling its national state.”

“It put an end to foreign interference in Yemen’s internal affairs, restored national sovereignty, and freed national decision-making from the control of foreign powers that were allied with and protecting corrupt and criminal forces.”

Al-Mashat noted that the September 21 revolution emerged after decades of betrayal and dependency, during which national decisions were handed over to foreign powers.



Source: Yemen’s Supreme Political Council, PressTV